Reader’s Guide Stocks SALT Books

The Reader’s Guide, a new and used bookstore in West Salem, stocks several SALT titles for purchase. Reader’s Guide is located at 735 Edgewater Street NW. Please support this wonderful community resource. You can find more information on their Facebook page here.

Practice Skirmish Questions Are Available

Practice skirmish questions have been posted! Coaches can find the practice questions on our Resources page. Viewing, downloading, and printing these PDFs requires your access password. Please remember that password access and practice questions are for COACH USE ONLY. If you have forgotten your access password, please email Jeneé Orso and it will be sent to you as soon as possible. The all-school tournament on Friday, May 5, 2023, is almost here. Keep practicing!

Practice Questions Now Available

Practice skirmish questions have been posted for all divisions! Coaches can find the practice questions on our Resources page. Viewing, downloading, and printing these PDFs require your access password. Please remember that password access and practice questions are for COACH USE ONLY. If you have forgotten your access password, please email Jeneé Orso and it will be sent to you as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to our virtual tournament on Friday, April 30, 2021! Please watch the website for announcements and tournament details as we get closer to the event!

Author Pronunciations

Please remember that the teams need to memorize and pronounce author names correctly during competitions. A great site for learning those more difficult pronunciations is and their Author Name Pronunciation Guide. This audio guide is really helpful. There are other sites out there with similar resources so this one is only a suggestion.